Manoj Bajpayee, who rose to fame as Bhiku Mhatre in Ram Gopal Varma's Satya (1998), will be playing another character inspired by a real-life individual in Sanjay Gupta's next edition of "Shootout At Wadala". Previously, he had played a character modelled after Dawood Ibrahim's elder brother, Sabir in "Shootout At Wadala". This time, Bajpayee's character is inspired by Arun Gawli, who was one of Mumbai's notorious gangsters.
While Abhi and Johnny boy will be playing hardcore cops –Abhishek is set to play encounter specialist Vijay Shankar.
Key: Manoj Bajpayee next with Sanjay Gupta, Sanjay Gupta, Manoj Bajpayee first success movie, Bhiku Mhatre, Ram Gopal Varma, Satya, Shootout At Wadala, Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham, Latest Bollywood News