Filmmaker Apoorva says, South star Ram Charan Teja’s Bollywood upcoming debut movie ‘Zanjeer’ is a remake of the eponymous 1973 production, is different from the original and has more commercial elements.
"I'm very happy with the way the film has shaped up. This project is very close to my heart and it's different from the original. It's a commercial film and I'm eagerly waiting for its release," Lakhia, who has directed the movie told to repoters.
"I am happy with the power-packed performance of Ram Charan (Teja) and Priyanka Chopra. They have done a fabulous job," Lakhia added.
Zanjeer is produced by Amit Mehra, Priyanka will essay the part of Mala, originally played by Jaya.
Key: Zanjeer movie trailer, Zanjeer still, Sothern actor Ram Charan Teja, Priyanka Chopra, Apoorva Lakhia, Ram Charan done a fabulous job, Sanjay Dutt, Amitabh Bachchan, Amit Mehra, Latest Bollywood News