Young tamil top hero Karthi’sBiriyani with Director VenkatPrabhu is one the year’s most anticipated movies specially after the director revealed that it was a script originally penned for Ilayathalapathy Vijay.
Latest news from
kollywood town is Biriyani also holds
the prestigious honor of being the 100th movie of Yuvan Shankar Raja who has
delivered some all-time hits in his
illustrious career. An unknown info on the movie is that Stunt Choreographer
Siva also scored his century in the same film. The choreographer recently
revealed that he was glad to celebrate his century honor with Yuvan Shankar
Tags:Biriyani latest
news.Biriyani teaser,Biriyani trailer,Biriyani stills,Biriyani release date,VenkatPrabhu,Karthil;attest
stills,Karthi latest movie stills,kollywood news